Thursday, 12 February 2015

Dawn of the

Yes I'm back, back again, Rory's back, tell a friend....etc etc (blatantly ripped off from Eminem, obviously)

I've decided to resurrect the blog from wherever zombie blogs go to die, and hopefully this time round it won't die in late April! So it's probably worth summarising what I've been up to since my last post nearly 10 months ago. Briefly I've
  • spent several months recovering from the massively damaged Glute that was the aftermath of the marathon
  • ran my first trail half marathon in September in Farnham, (hilly, tough, 2:26 or so)
  • ran another half marathon a few weeks later at Wimbledon Common (not as hilly, not as tough, 2:06 or so...not bad with bugger all training)
  • became a parkrun Ambassador which made me immensely proud (more of which in a later post)
  • did some parkrun tourism adding new events to my total (more of which in another post) and did my first NYD parkrun double
  • entered Manchester marathon in April - my spring target event
  • ran my 100th parkrun at Bedfont Lakes in January
  • set a new parkrun PB last weekend (22:35)
  • followed that up with a new half marathon PB the next day at Wokingham, one of my favourite races (1:48:37)
That's 9 months of running updates in a paragraph!

This time round I'll aim to post a little more often and not focus exclusively on my training.....I never have a shortage of things to talk about. I 'll finish with a pic of me celebrating my 100th parkrun, complete with prosecco, cheese and a couple of groupies parkrun friends :-)


  1. As one of your aforementioned groupies (pictured), am in awe of the double PB last weekend (7-8 Feb). It's been months since I got a PB.
    *sad face*
    Looking forward to more blogging

  2. Thnaks Emma - but remember that sometimes PBs come along when you last expect it! I wasn't aiming for a PB at either event...and sometimes that helps as you don't have any pressure.

    Also - my last parkrun PB was dec 13, and my half marathon PB had stood for 2 years! So you never know when they might go :-)

    But would happily try and pace you round to one over the next few weeks, you're not that far off
